Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Social media - fad or the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution?

"The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty - a fad." 
- President of the Michigan Savings Bank advising Horace Rackham (Henry Ford's lawyer) not to invest in the Ford Motor Company in 1903. (Wikipedia)

As was the automobile, so too is social media.
Social media is not a novelty.
It will not be gone tomorrow.
It is here to stay.
Social media, I believe, is the biggest shift since the automobile, not the Industrial Revolution.
The invention of the gas-powered internal combustion automobile in the late 19th century eventually allowed people of all walks of life to connect like never before; they could reach destinations in record time - of their own accord - giving them access to places and experiences they never would have seen otherwise. Their city, their region, their country all became smaller and more accessible. Cities were built around the use of automobiles.
Like the automobile, the Internet and social media have opened up a whole new world for people where they can have access to any kind of information they desire. They can connect on a global scale and meet people from all walks of life. They can rediscover lost friends, create new client contacts and build a brand.  The delivery of higher education has even integrated social media components and tools into the curriculum to bring students and faculty together in the learning process.

“The medium is the message”  
- Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media, 1964

In McLuhan’s classic work, Understanding Media, he proposes that a medium is "any extension of ourselves.". The message he speaks of is not the actual content. He writes the message is "the change of scale or pace or pattern". It is what is brought about by the existence of the medium itself.
Like the automobile, the pervasiveness of social media has had unintended consequences. As more and more automobiles were built, they began contributing to global pollution: this is just one of the automobile’s messages. It has taken over a century but companies are finally designing greener automobiles. Social media has allowed us to communicate and reach out in new ways but it has also influenced our speech and our grammar. Although we feel connected, it has also divided us: this is one of social media’s messages. We feel connected through devices but we are losing our ability to connect on a basic human level.


  1. I loved how you added the little quotes in between paragraphs, dresses the page up a bit. Well said and good connection with the automobile aspect. I have never thought to blame Social Media for the way we speak today, but after this I totally understand. We can all agree our grammar is not improving using the keyboard short cuts and instant messing slang. But the way we can communicate to each other is amazing, example I have never met you, know nothing about you but the fact that I can read your opinion and comment to add my two sense shows how amazing technology is today and how quick Social Media is growing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I fully agree with you and especially the last paragraph about “unintended consequences” the Social Media we have today has seriously dumbed down our society. It brought along the short forms in how people write and spell; ex, U instead of YOU, CUZ instead of because etc. Grammar and spelling have literally been thrown out the door.

    Another thing being thrown out the door is our actual person to person interaction with each other. We are becoming a society stuck behind screens and smart phone. It is easier for us to pick up a phone and TEXT instead of calling, or send an email instead writing, visiting a persons face book page instead of visiting them.

    Social Media has it’s goods and bads, as do all things in life. I think that too many people are making it their life though.

  4. I think the blog and comments were great. I'm 38 and have two teenage boys so I've experienced this myself. The grammar and social interactions is a little out of hand. This I think is an aspect of Social Media that could be a fad,but not the tools itself.

    I also agree that Social Media shouldn't take the place of being a social person. There is no excuse for taking the lazy way out. That said, many people aren't comfortable in social settings, so this is a great tool to keep them moving forward with the new technology that is available. It has it's goods and bads for sure, I just try to limit the bad and take advantage of the good !

  5. Very interesting point of view, Yvonne! I like that you brought up the automobile, something I hadn't thought of before. It's always nice to get a different perspective on things.

    While I do agree that social media has had a huge impact on our lives, I am not sure I completely agree with you in regards to its impact on grammar and spelling. Though it is apparent that some people's grammar and spelling isn't "up to par", I'm not sure social media is totally to blame. Maybe this is something that should be addressed and dealt with in the classroom. Teaching future generations the importance of proper grammar and spelling, even when using social media! I think social media is here to stay!

  6. The analogy of automobile to social media couldn't have been more ideal. As cars change as do social media. Both itself has changed so much through time. From dial up internet to wifi connection, from emailing to instant messaging to video messaging. Social media changes also as society changes. It grows to societies needs and wants for better usage. Great post!!
